The Philadelphia area Gurdjieff group, started in the early 70’s by Mr. Nyland’s students, is seeking new and old students to study and practice Gurdjieff’s three centered approach to self development.
Gurdjieff Meetings typically consist of a reading from Gurdjieff’s books: All and Everything or Meetings with Remarkable Men. The reading is followed by a description and discussion of Gurdjieff’s Work on Oneself.
We welcome those interested in investigating the practice of Gurdjieff teachings to join us for our Reading and Introductory Meetings in Media, PA.
Introductory meetings are held monthly, approximately.
Please read first, 2nd and last Chapters of All and Everything, Beelzebub’s Tales to His Grandson by G.I. Gurdjieff before attending meetings.
Ch. I The Arousing of Thought
Ch. II Introduction: Why Beelzebub was in our solar system
XLVIII From the Author (end of the book)
Meetings are 1 ½ hours. Please call with questions and/or to schedule an appointment before attending meetings.
Myra Reichel 610-348-5698
For more information, please visit www.nyland.org the website for Mr. Nyland’s groups.