For In-person Community Reiki and Reiki Shares see our monthly Newsletter. We will offer shares online when we get enough sign-ups.
We could hold an evening Reiki Share over ZOOM on Tuesday evenings if is anyone interested in attending. We have had great success in sending Reiki over Zoom even with Reiki 1 students. Please let me know if you are interested- .
I will assign 5 people to each Zoom break-out room so you will have a comfortable number of people to work together with to trade sessions. If you wish to be with particular people then send all emails together as a group and I will provide a break-out room for you.
Zoom Meditations or Chanting
For the first year of the pandemic we offered weekly Zoom meditations then we switched to offering Chanting for Healing monthly. Is there anyone who would like the meditations on Zoom or the Chanting for Healing to start again?