Reiki, Karuna Reiki®, Energy Work (included on request with in person Reiki or Karuna Reiki® sessions), First Phase Magnified Healing®, and Third Phase Magnified Healing®. These sessions are a great entry into alternative healing for mind, body, spirit and emotions. One or more modalities may be chosen.

A Reiki session is useful for general relaxation or stress reduction, chronic diseases, anxiety, pain, physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual issues, problems and concerns. Usually three sessions are useful – one to address current situation, a second to focus on the main problem, and a third session to provide support for ongoing healing; single sessions can be scheduled as needed.. The client remains clothed. The Reiki practitioner works hands-off and/or hands-on with their hands lightly on the client’s body. There is no manipulation of the body. Sometimes Reiki includes energy work if needed so that energy can flow smoothly in the body. Closing provides grounding and protection.
Reiki sessions are offered in person and over the phone or internet as distance Reiki by appointment.
Zoom Reiki Sessions
Both Myra and the client will be able to see each other and will have time to talk before and after the half session where Reiki energy will be beamed to you and chanting sacred sounds for general relaxation or stress reduction, chronic diseases, anxiety, pain, physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual issues/problems/concerns. Usually three sessions are useful – one to address current situation, a second to focus on the main problem, and a third session to provide support for ongoing healing; single sessions can be scheduled as needed.. Sometimes Reiki includes energy work if needed so that energy can flow smoothly in the body. Closing provides grounding and protection.
Phone Reiki Sessions
Both Myra and the client will have time to talk before and after the half hour session where Reiki energy will be beamed to you and chanting sacred sounds for general relaxation or stress reduction, chronic diseases, anxiety, pain, physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual issues/problems/concerns. Usually three sessions are useful – one to address current situation, a second to focus on the main problem, and a third session to provide support for ongoing healing; single sessions can be scheduled as needed. Sometimes Reiki includes energy work if needed so that energy can flow smoothly in the body. Closing provides grounding and protection.
Reiki Distance Sessions
Reiki Distance Sessions can be requested for difficult issues and/or if you are unable to travel to Media, PA and they can be set to arrive on particular dates at a chosen time. Usually three distance sessions are useful – one to address current situation, a second to focus on the main problem, and a third distance session to provide support for ongoing support and healing.
Karuna Reiki®
A Karuna Reiki® session includes additional chanting and additional symbols to a standard Reiki session. Karuna Reiki® works more deeply on abuse issues of all kinds, Karmic issues, grounding, habits/addictions, mental, emotional, physical, and sexual abuse issues, to become better grounded and prepared for tests and procedures. You can request chakra opening as part of your session.
Energy Work
Time is spent going over your issues and concerns. Aura can be scanned for imbalances and chakra can be opened for better functioning of body, mind, emotion, and spirit.
Includes scanning of the Aura (the energy surrounding the body) for troubled spots and clearing out troubled/negative energy. Chakras are checked to see if open and if closed are opened. At end the Aura and Chakras are check again and if clear. Sometimes Reiki includes energy work if needed so that energy can flow smoothly in the body. Closing provides grounding and protection.
With your permission, some Qi Gong or Reiki energy can be used to heal the issues involved and hold the chakras open longer or you can use the time to set your intent for the future or process the changes.
Magnified Healing®
Magnified Healing is a powerful energy flow enhancer. If you have experienced Reiki you will understand that when you experience a Magnified Healing® Session there is a noticeable increase in the practitioner’s ability to channel energy — resulting in more powerful healing sessions.
Magnified Healing® sessions are offered in person or as absent healing by appointment. The Magnified Healing® website is a good resource.
Magnified Healing® Phase 1
First Phase Magnified Healing® was brought by Lady Master Kwan Yin to Rev. Gisèle King and Rev. Kathryn Anderson to assist is during these difficult times.
Magnified Healing® Phase 3
Third Phase Magnified Healing® was brought by Lord Melchizedek to Rev. Gisèle King and Rev. Kathryn Anderson to assist us during these difficult times.
Sessions can be scheduled in person by appointment at Heartspace in Media, PA.
Absent Third Phase Magnified Healing®
Absent Magnified Healing® by appointment is just sent remotely, never over Zoom or phone.
In-Person Combination Magnified Healing® Sessions
Hour long Magnified Healing® session in-person consists of both First Phase Magnified Healing® brought by Lady Master Kwan Yin and Third Phase brought by Lord Melchizedek to Rev. Gisèle King and Rev. Kathryn Anderson to assist us in our healing during difficult times. The combined session brings in all the Magnified Healing® energy in one session in person.
Magnified Healing® in person combination session includes both First Phase that is usually done standing and Third Phase that is usually done sitting. $100.
By appointment; at Heartspace in Media, PA.
Mondays and Wednesdays between 8am-11am, and 1st, 2nd, and 4th Friday 3 pm until 7:30pm.
If no class scheduled also on Thursdays between 8am-2:30pm, or Tuesdays between 8am to 5:30pm, 3rd Fridays between 8am -5:30pm, Saturdays between 2-5:30pm or 1st, 2nd, 3rd Sundays between 8am -5:30pm.
Absent Healing First or Third or Combination of First and Third Magnified Healing®
Hour long Absent Combination Magnified Healing® remote session consists of both First Phase Magnified Healing® brought Lady Master Kwan Yin and Third Phase brought by Lord Melchizedek to Rev. Gisèle King and Rev. Kathryn Anderson to assist us in our healing during difficult times. The combined session brings in all the Magnified Healing® energy in one session in person.
Magnified Healing® in person combination session includes both First Phase that is usually done standing and Third Phase that is usually done sitting. $75.
By appointment; great flexibility in time to receive across the country since an office is not needed.
Absent First Phase Magnified Healing® sessions
- Fifteen minute Absent First Phase Magnified Healing® session.
- $25 per 15 minutes. The session can be scheduled by appointment at set dates and times 7 days per week internationally by appointment. Please call/text/email Information/Intention before your session.
- $60 for three 15 minute sessions can be scheduled by appointment at set dates and times 7 days per week internationally by appointment. Please call/text/email Information/Intention before your session.
Absent Third Phase Magnified Healing® Sessions
Fifteen minute Absent First Phase Magnified Healing® session.
- $25 per 15 minutes. The session can be scheduled by appointment at set dates and times 7 days per week internationally by appointment. Please call/text/email Information/Intention before your session.
- $60 for three 15 minute sessions can be scheduled by appointment at set dates and times 7 days per week internationally by appointment. Please call/text/email Information/Intention before your session.
Absent Third Phase Magnified Healing® Sessions
- $50 per half hour session includes additional time to talk/text/email about your needs before scheduled session. Please call/text/email Information/Intention before your session.
To schedule:
To schedule sessions, please call or text to 610-348-5698 or email giving at least 3 dates and suggested times for those days or give your general availability.
To schedule Magnified Healing® in-person First and Third Phase sessions and Absent first and Third Phase sessions, call to make a remote appointment then contact me by phone, text or email about your needs before the scheduled appointment time.
Sessions at Heartspace in person
Reiki, Karuna Reiki®, Magnified Healing® 1 hour sessions can be scheduled by appointment on –
- Tuesday-Saturday at 8 am, 9:30 am, 2:15 pm, 3:30 pm or 4:45 pm.
- Fridays – first, 2nd and 4th Friday evenings stopping at 8 pm
Sessions by Zoom or Phone
Reiki or Karuna Reiki® sessions can start by appointment from 8am-8pm
Distance Reiki, Distance Karuna Reiki®, Absent First Phase Magnified Healing® or Third Phase Magnified Healing® sessions can be scheduled at a set time when both Myra and client are available from 6 am-6 pm or any time you are able to rest in 24 hours, since distance healing can be sent in advance for you to receive when requested.