Benefits of Reiki
The benefits of Reiki healing for Body, Mind, Emotions, and Spirit happens for both the giver and the receiver of this powerful healing energy. This technique is especially valuable for the elderly because it is done fully-clothed, is non-invasive, does not manipulate the body, and is great for reducing pain and stress while giving the recipient warm and comforting touch, in a safe way. It is beneficial for those who learn this technique, both for one’s own well being, as well as to assist others in benefiting from the Universal Healing Energy that is channeled through Reiki Healing.
Stressed individuals will benefit from Reiki, especially corporate employees and small business owners, as well as those suffering from associated stress and pain caused by poor health and/or emotional trauma in the home and/or office in both local and distant places (Reiki energy can be sent at distances).
Those wishing to experience and develop an understanding of this Japanese relaxation and healing technique will benefit from the trust they develop in their own intuition with reduced stress and easing of pain, clearing away of old emotional baggage, as well as a new understanding in the spirit of their own lives. The only requirement is the willingness to receive Reiki Energy .
What makes Reiki Different?
- noninvasive, has no side effects or contraindications
- done fully-clothed, is non-invasive, does not manipulate the body
- students find Reiki very easy to learn, does not require years of study (you can learn the first level, Reiki I – Shoden, over a weekend and you can start using it immediately)
- very easy to use, no complicated techniques, no special equipment—all you need is your hands and you can do Reiki for someone in the room with you or even far away
How Does It Work?
- restores balance & harmony to the Human Energy System supports & accelerates the body’s natural healing powers
- promotes healing on all levels–physical, mental, emotional, & spiritual
- since we are all moving molecules our energy system can be positively recharged
- repairs and restores the Human Energy System so that it functions properly
- health care professionals can use it in any clinical setting
- for all ages (babies to elderly)
- to speed healing–post op, fractures, wounds, burns, etc.
- to relieve pain, anxiety, & fear
- to relieve & prevent burnout, to nurture yourself for yourself and your family
Reiki Class Levels
Reiki I Shoden
In Japanese, Shoden means Beginning Teachings.
In the first level Reiki class, Shoden, the students learn how to do Reiki sessions for themselves and how to do sessions for other people. They also learn meditations, breathing exercises, the Reiki Precepts, and the history and meaning of Reiki.
Reiki II Okuden
In Japanese, Okuden means hidden or inner teachings.
In the 2nd level class, Okuden, students learn mantras, symbols, and other techniques to use for healing themselves and others, including conditions starting back in time or sending remote distance healing to people, animals, and situations. At this point students who have purchased student insurance can charge for occasional House Blessings, Distance Healings, and sessions for others with supervision as part of their training or charge with practitioner insurance.
Shinpiden Reiki Master
In Japanese, Shinpiden means Mystery Teachings.
Shinpiden Reiki Master is a combination of Reiki Master Practitioner and Reiki Master Shinpiden.
In the 3rd level, Shinpiden Reiki Master students review levels 1 and 2 and then learn the Reiki Master Symbol and its mantra and learn how to do Spiritual Blessings as Usui did them in the 1920’s. They learn how to do the Attunement process as developed to pass the ability to channel healing energy. As part of their training, students practice doing complete sessions for clients, teach Introduction to Reiki and student teach Shoden and Okuden classes. They can also participate in public events, and provide sessions and instruction during Reiki Shares and Community Reiki. After the completion of the Shinpiden training students with student insurance can charge for Reiki with supervision and with practitioner or professional insurance can then charge for sessions with their own clients and teach others how to do Reiki.
Student or Practitioner insurance can be purchased from ABMP.com
Practitioner or Professional Insurance can be purchased from IARP.org, International House of Reiki, or International Center for Reiki Training, or other insurance professionals.