Reiki Master Practitioner (RMP)


or Reiki Master Practitioner Hands-on

12 hours over two or more days

$750 Live in person

$575 Combo in-person and Zoom

$400 Distance Learning

Reiki Master Practitioner is the first half of Shinpiden Reiki Master.

12 hours

Prerequisite Reiki 2 any lineage

Once you have completed a Reiki 2 class or higher of any lineage you can take this 12 hour class to become a Reiki Master Practitioner. Half of this class is retaking the second half of Reiki II Okuden with the focus of learning more fully the Japanese Reiki Techniques; deepening your practice of Reiki by performing self-Reiki, offering Reiki sessions to others; renewing your connection to Reiki by receiving a reiju; looking deeper into the history, meaning, and ways to use your 3 Reiki II Symbols; learning the chants and jumon associated with the Reiki II symbols.

During the additional 6 hours you will receive a reiju blessing and your Reiki Master Attunement; learn the Reiki Master healing technique and additional Reiki Master Japanese Reiki Techniques. At this level you have more tools and experience to access during your self-Reiki practice and with others. You have permission, if you wish, to work with clients and can charge fees for in-person or remote sessions, as well as house clearings and you have the addition of the Reiki Master Symbol and its chants and jumon to assist you.

You will receive 2 workbooks, both the Reiki Okuden and Part 1 Shinpiden Workbook; a Reiki Master Practitioner Certificate. You will be able to advance to Karuna Reiki® 1 & 2 after 6 months of practice as a professional or 1 year practice with your Reiki Master Practitioner level.

A class is a total of 12 hours over 2 or more days. Reiki Master Practitioner comes with two workbooks (Reiki II Okuden and Shinpiden Reiki Master Book 1) and a Reiki Master Practitioner Certificate.

Prerequisite is Reiki 2 from any lineage. Students who complete Reiki Master Practitioner can go on to take Part 3 and Part 4 Reiki Master Shinpiden to learn the Attunement and reiju process. (Nurses need to complete both RMP and Reiki Master Shinpiden to receive their 22 Contact Hours since RMP is only the first half of Shinpiden Reiki Master)

Reiki Master Practitioner

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