Shinpiden Reiki Master


Shinpiden Reiki Master is a 24 hour class. Four 6 hour classes are needed to complete this level of Shinpiden Reiki Master.

  • Fee for Distance learning online class is $800.
  • The fee for the Combo live/distance learning is $1150.
  • The in-person Live class is $1500.

For a more complete class description, go to Reiki Classes.


Shinpiden Reiki Master

24 hours Live in-person /Distance Learning online over Zoom/ combination of both types

Nurses taking this level receive (22 contact hours) for the 24 hours of classes.

If you meet the prerequisite of Reiki II or higher of any lineage, you can learn to become a Reiki Master in this lineage called Shinpiden. You will learn the Japanese Reiki Techniques including meditations, breathing exercises, etc. as well as Reiki II Okuden chants and jumon, Reiki Master Symbol with its chants and jumon, and how to perform reiju and attunements to be able to teach Reiki to others and work as a professional Shinpiden Reiki Master. Pick Shinpiden classes shown in the Reiki Healing Center Newsletter or schedule by appointment.

Four 6 hour classes are needed to complete this level. Receive 4 workbooks (Reiki I Shoden, Reiki II Okuden, Shinpiden Book I, and Shinpiden Book II) and permission to use the material in your practice, Shinpiden Reiki Master Certificate

Shinpiden Reiki Master

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