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Myra Reichel 610-348-5698
Join us for a Magnified Healing® Celebration Ceremony
The Magnified Healing Celebration Ceremony is a beautiful and sacred gathering where everyone is invited to share in the calming and nurturing energy of Magnified Healing®.
Experience a deep sense of togetherness, love, and compassion that opens you to the potential for profound healing and celebrates our connection as “oneness.”
During the ceremony, we will create a sacred space and receive healing that ushers in higher frequency light, inviting ascension and healing for the body, mind, spirit, and earth.
You’ll go through a series of 9 healings using sound, breath, movement, and affirmations. Together, we’ll co-create healing energies to restore emotional and mental wellness, balance the chakras, release karmic ties, connect the heart to the divine and the earth, and unite with our higher selves.
The beautiful gift of Magnified Healing® is brought by the inspiration of Lady Master Kwan Yin introduced by Rev. Kathryn Anderson and Rev. Gisele King to usher the opportunity for the earth and humanity to evolve into creation consciousness.
The Magnified Healing® Celebration Ceremony will be held on Sunday, August 18, from 2pm to 4pm at the Philadelphia Assembly Gallery located in the Crane Art Center, 1400 North American Street, Room 104C, Philadelphia, PA, 19122.
We kindly ask for a suggested donation of $20. Let us know if you are coming by contacting Myra- email or call/text +1 610 348 5698 on cell or WhatsApp.
There is limited seating, if you can, bring a chair or pillow.
Bring your crystals or stones, picture of loved ones in need of healing or other objects to be placed on the altar for blessing and empowerment.
Open House, Thursday, August 8th from 6-9pm
Show Dates: July 11 until August 29, 2024
Location: Philadelphia Assembly Gallery – Room 104C
(Open on these dates/times or by appointment – email
The Crane Art Center, 1400 American Street, Philadelphia, PA 19122
Gallery is located in the Northern Liberties Neighborhood in Philadelphia.
From 95 get off toward route 676 but take right fork onto Callowhill St., turn right (north) on 5th St, cross Gerard Ave, turn right (east)at Jefferson St. then turn right (south) at American St.
The Crane Art It is located across the Street from the Clay Studio and there are other galleries in the building having openings on August 8th so parking is limited you may have to travel further north to park. Call if you need help 610-348-5698.
FREE entry to exhibit except when attending Celebration Ceremony from2-4 on August 18th.
Myra Reichel will also be at the Gallery on Friday, August 16th from 11AM-12PM and on Sunday, August 18th from 11:30AM-12:30PM before the 2-4PM Celebration Ceremony
Annual Usui, Founder of Reiki, Birthday Party

Sunday, August 11, 2024.
PLEASE SAVE this date. RSVP. Space is limited and we need to plan for day phone /text/ WhatsApp :610-348-5698 or
Let us know what time of day you expect to participate so we can plan out how many at each station (massage table, lounge chair or chair) over 2-3 floors inside and outside let us know your preferences RSVP by August 1, 2024 if at all possible so we can have what is needed in place.
The Usui Birthday Party will include morning and afternoon meditations, reiju blessing, reiki shares and time for 1 on 1 mini-sessions if pre-scheduled.
Bring food for potluck lunch or you are welcome to bring your own lunch, let us know of any food allergies.
Free Parking on Sundays in Media
Location: You on Plum 12 South Plum St. Mall, Media, PA 19063
Love Offering: $30 per person in person– discount for those with low income.
RSVP or phone/text/WhatsApp 610-348-5698.
Reiki Shares
Next Reiki Share will be held on Sunday, August 11, 2024 during Usui Birthday Party
Please check in to let us know your availability that day and for future dates 610-348-5698
Reiki, Karuna Reiki® Sessions
By appointment in-person, over zoom, over phone or distance
Magnified Healing® Sessions
In-person or absent
Sessions– Please call Myra Reichel at 610-348-5698 or go to our website for info on Sessions.
Reiki, Karuna Reiki®, Ethics & Holistic Practitioner Classes and Magnified Healing® Workshops are available by appointment
Schedule Classes or Workshops by appointment: Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesday mornings, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturday afternoons, or Sundays Please let me know your available dates and times.
Types of Classes In-Person Media, PA or online over Zoom or COMBO class up to half in person with balance online over zoom or other program. Call Myra Reichel 610-348-5698 to schedule class by appointment or see if others are forming a class. All classes will run with 1 student or more. Zoom Times listed are East Coast New York Time. Class times listed are East Coast Time.
Continuing Education available for Massage Therapists and Body Workers for all Reiki, Karuna Reiki®, Ethics, and Holistic Practitioner Classes.
Reiki Classes
Introduction to Reiki:2 classroom hours. No prerequisite- anyone can take class.
$ 100 In person, $ 50 online,2 CE (Continuing Education Units) for Massage Therapists
Students learn: The history and meaning of Reiki and learn about Reiki Ethics.
Reiki I Shoden: 12 classroom hours: No prerequisite – anyone can take this class.
$725 for In-Person, $550 for Combo, $375 for Online
Students Learn: History and Meaning of Reiki. Ethics for Reiki. The Five Elements of Reiki. Hand Positions for Self Care. Japanese Reiki Techniques. Receive Four Reiki 1 Attunements. Hand-Positions for Reiki for Others. Session Practice. Completion of Evaluation and Award of Certificates.
Reiki II Okuden: 12 classroom hours. Prerequisite Reik 1 any lineage
$725 for In Person, $550 combo, $375 for Online
Students Learn: Five Elements of Reiki, jumon, chants, and drawing of 3 Reiki II Okuden symbols, how to do Reiki sessions for others, Japanese Reiki Techniques, daily self-care practice. create client care documents, Reiki Ethics, History and meaning of Reiki, and professional practice.
Shinpiden Reiki Master: 24 classroom hours. Prerequisite Reiki 2 any lineage
$1500 for in person, $1150 for Combo up to 12 hours in person and balance on Zoom, $750 for online.
Students Learn: Create Client documents, Five Elements of Reiki, jumon, chants, and drawing of 3 Reiki II Okuden symbols, how to do Reiki sessions for others, Japanese Reiki Techniques, daily self-care practice. create client care documents, Reiki Ethics, History and meaning of Reiki, and professional practice. Students also Learn: Use the Reiki Master Symbol in self-care and sessions for others. Incorporate the 4 Reiki Symbols into daily practice, Construct long professional Reiki sessions for patients, clients, and others. Perform Reiju and Reiki Attunements. Demonstrate how to work with Symbols. Apply the use of symbols and Japanese Reiki techniques in daily Reiki practice. Use information for Reiju and Reiki I Shoden Attunement and Reiki Attunements for Levels Reiki II Okuden and Shinpiden Reiki Master. Apply knowledge of all Reiki levels to teaching classes and professional Reiki sessions. Demonstrate a sample Reiki session for students. Present the history and meaning of Reiki to others.
Reiki Master Practitioner: 12 classroom hours. Prerequisite Reiki 2 any lineage.
$750 for in-person, $575 for Combo, $375 for online
Students Learn: Students do a review of Reiki 1 and 2 and are attuned to Reiki Master Symbol. Create Client documents, Five Elements of Reiki, jumon, chants, and drawing of 3 Reiki II Okuden symbols, how to do Reiki sessions for others, Japanese Reiki Techniques, daily self-care practice. create client care documents, Reiki Ethics, History and meaning of Reiki, and professional practice. Students also Learn: Use the Reiki Master Symbol in self-care and sessions for others. Incorporate the 4 Reiki Symbols into daily practice, Construct long professional Reiki sessions for patients, clients, and others.
Reiki Master Shinpiden: 12 classroom hours. Prerequisite Reiki Master Practitioner
$750 for IN-Person, $575 combo, $375 for online.
Students learn to perform attunements and reiju and are permitted to teach Reiki. Use information for Reiju and Reiki I Shoden Attunement and Reiki Attunements for Levels Reiki II Okuden and Shinpiden Reiki Master. Apply knowledge of all Reiki levels to teaching classes and professional Reiki sessions. Demonstrate a sample Reiki session for students. Present the history and meaning of Reiki to others.
Karuna Reiki® three levels of Karuna Reiki® : 24 classroom hours: Prerequisite Shinpiden, Shinpiden Reiki Master, Reiki Master, Reiki Master Practitioner, Reiki 3 or able to use Reiki Master Symbol for 1st 2 levels and must have taught Reiki to a student to take Karuna Master®
Ethics Applied: 2-hour classes 2 to 26 hours total by appointment based on the Ethic of Touch by Ben E. Benjamin and Cherie Shonen-Moe which is required in any edition for these 13 different 2-hour classes. Holistic Practitioner: Business Classes based on Business Mastery by Sherie Shonen-Moe with 2 to 12 hours of class by appointment.
Continuing Ed for Nurses & Massage Therapists
For Class prices, descriptions: Reiki Classes
Call Myra Reichel 610-348-5698 to schedule class by appointment or see if others are forming a class.
Magnified Healing® Workshops
WORKSHOPS In-Person Media, PA or virtual, online over Zoom.
Magnified Healing® Workshops – multiple levels connecting days until all hours of workshop are completed.
Magnified Healing ® 1st Phase or 1st Phase Review 18 hours zoom $300 for 1 or more students or in-person $300 for 2 or more students or $500 private class (note needed MH office) over 2- 4 connecting days.
First Phase Magnified Healing ® Practice Sessions Half-hour by appointment over zoom or join Tuesday every other week at 1-2:30 pm Facebook Messenger MH Study Group meeting. You must send in your Magnified Healing® certificate(S) to join this closed group.
Magnified Healing® Celebration Workshop 8-10 hours over 1-2 days. $250.
First Phase Review and Advanced Studies 12-14 hours over 2 days over zoom or in person. $190. First Phase 1 is 16-18 classroom hours with 2 hours or so time added for meals and breaks, other workshops.
Magnified Healing ® 3rd Phase in-person only. 18 hours scheduled over 2 to 4 connecting days. $400.
Please Check for more information.
CHECK for prices for all classes-
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