Reiki II Okuden Class

Reiki II Okuden or Reiki II Okuden Hands on

12 hours of class, Distance Learning/over Online in person over the internet in real time on Zoom.

Wednesdays January 19th, 26th, and February 2 from 2:30 PM until either 5:30 or 6:30 PM (if 3 hour classes instead of 4 hour classes add February 9th to your class dates) or start Sunday January 30th or in February. Prerequisite: Reiki 1 Certificate or higher from any lineage. Payment is $300 – over to  or check with me for other payment methods.

In this class you will learn the comparison between the Eastern and Western views of Reiki. You will enhance your understanding of the history and meaning of Reiki; learn 3 Reiki II Symbols, their history, meaning, drawing, chants and jumon; plus you will learn the Reiki I Shoden and Reiki II Okuden Japanese Reiki Techniques including meditations, qigong, and other techniques. You will practice self-Reiki, offering Reiki to others, chanting the symbols, plus various techniques and meditations.

You will receive 2 Reiju, 3 attunements, and at least one Reiki mini-session. If you wish you can start charging for Reiki sessions both in-person and remotely, as well as to charge for house clearings. You will receive a Reiki II Okuden Workbook and a Reiki II Okuden Certificate. You can move on to take Shinpiden Reiki Master or Reiki Master Practitioner/Reiki Master Practitioner Hands-on.

Contact Myra Reichel 610-348-5698, email